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Sigrid Vetleseter Bøe in SAGAS with Kristiansund Symphony Orchestra
03 februari 2025
Torsdag 6. februar kl. 18:00 | Lørdag 8. februar kl. 17:00 | Fredag 14. februar kl. 18:00 SAGAS er en hyllest til Fantasy-riket med storslått musikk og mytiske fortellinger fra film og kino, tv-serier og spill, skapt av den svenske konsertprodusenten The Concert Factory AB. Her vil publikum få smakebiter fra blant annet Harry Potter, Narnia og Lord of the Rings, World of Warcraft, Game of Thrones med mer. Velkommen til en eventyrlig kveld i Operaen! Av The Concert Factory AB Programleder Kristopher Schau Dirigent Torodd Wigum Solist Sigrid Vetleseter Bøe Medvirkende Kristiansund Symfoniorkester Kristiansund Operakor SceneUng Elever fra Musikk, dans, drama ved Atlanten vg. skole
Our Caspar Engdahl as 1st Soldier in Salome at Malmö Opera
08 april 2024
Salome är skandaloperan som fick revansch. När den hade världspremiär 1905 bröt den mot tidens konservativa ideal och moral – idag är den en av de stora klassikerna.För regin svarar hyllade Eirik Stubø.
Our star tenor Lars Cleveman in his first Herodes in Salome at Malmö Opera.
08 april 2024
Salome is the scandalous opera that made a comeback. When it premiered in 1905, it broke with the conservative ideals and morals of the time – today, it is one of the great classics. Staging Salome is somewhat of an event for an opera house. It's a grand project and an exciting challenge for both singers and orchestra. Directing our production is Eirik Stubø, who recently had great success with Norma at Folkoperan.
Our Fredrik Hagerberg as 4th Jew in Salome at Malmö Opera.
21 januari 2025
Salome är skandaloperan som fick revansch. När den hade världspremiär 1905 bröt den mot tidens konservativa ideal och moral – idag är den en av de stora klassikerna. Huvudrollen görs av den amerikanska sopranen Laura Wilde och för regin svarar hyllade Eirik Stubø.
Our Matthew Rhodes in Nalle's Birthday Bash at Malmö Live with Malmo Symphony Orchestra
30 januari 2025
Nalle Concert as a grand party at Malmo Live! Feb 1.Join Nalle in celebrating MSO's 100th birthday with powerful birthday music, cake and balloons. With our Matthew Rhodes in Nalle's Birthday Bash at Malmö Live with Malmo Symphony Orchestra
Cecilia Martin Löf conducting Monica Mac concerts Jan 30-31 with Gävle Symphony Orchestra
06 november 2024
Gävle Konserthus presenterar stolt: Moonica Mac möter Gävle Symfoniorkester under ledning av Cecilia Martin-Löf 30-31 januari
Our Erik Rosenius as Figaro in Le Nozze di Figaro at The Royal Opera in Stockholm. Premiere Jan 25 2025.
09 oktober 2024
It is Figaro’s and Susanna’s wedding day. But not only the bride and groom are looking forward to it. The Count is more interested in Susanna than in the Countess. She, in turn, mourns her husband’s lack of affection at the same time as she is flattered by Cherubino, who is obsessed with her – and, it seems, every other woman. Le nozze di Figaro is a whirlwind of love, desire and complications, and a portrayal of the demise of the old system. Mozart’s iconic comedy is one of the world’s best loved operas. We now present it in a completely new production, made by the same creative team that created Il barbiere di Siviglia in spring 2024. The characters are older, less naïve, more world weary and decadent, but very human.
Cecilia Martin-Löf conducting Dalasinfoniettan and Moonica Mac April 29-30.
04 februari 2025
Cecilia Martin-LÖf conducting Dalasinfoniettan and Moonica Mac April 29-30.
Francisca Skoogh in Opening sounds concerts with Livgardets dragonmusikkår Jan 30-31
23 januari 2025
Opening Sounds Klassiskt Torsdag 30 januari Spira Jönköping Fredag 31 januari 18.00 - 20.00 Kungasalen Boka biljett Extern arrangör: Ett av de mest välkända inslagen i Stockholms gatubild är Livgardets dragonmusikkår, som spelar till häst under vaktparaden till Kungliga Slottet. Vi får möta denna orkester i ett storslaget program som bjuder på aldrig tidigare hörd musik för symfonisk mässingskår. Solist är den hyllade pianisten Francisca Skoogh. Opening Sounds - Konsert med Livgardets dragonmusikkår och Francisca Skoogh, piano! I Kungl. Musikhögskolans underbara konserthall bjuder vi på ett storslaget program med aldrig tidigare hörd musik för stor symfonisk mässingskår. Solist är den hyllade pianisten Francisca Skoogh. Kåren framför verk av bland andra Rolf Martinsson, Dimitri Sjostakovitj och Richard Strauss. Solist: Francisca Skoogh Dirigent: Musikdirektör Joakim Unander Presentatör: Eugen Qvarnström
Our Julia Lindgren as Maria Bellacanta in Hillary the Witch Goes to the Opera at GöteborgsOperan
16 januari 2025
Hillary the Witch Goes to the Opera is a playful and exciting performance about opera and is recommended for families with children aged 5–10. Hillary the Witch wins tickets to a performance at The Göteborg Opera, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary. She has no idea what “opera” is and searches for the word. It appears to be something in which people are constantly singing. Hillary conjures up the singer Maria Bellacanta, who takes us and the witch on a journey into the magical world of opera. Pieces from Die Zauberflöte, Die Fledermaus, Hänsel und Gretel and other well-known operas and operettas that have been performed at the Göteborg Opera over the years are woven into the story. Hillary asks lots of questions, which Bellacanta is happy to answer – sometimes with the help of Mus-iker the Mouse. Part of the Göteborg Opera’s 30th Anniversary celebrations. Publishers: Litag Theaterverlag GmbH & Co. KG